The e-mail from Dr. Sidney Joseph Garcia, a dentist from Florianopolis - SC / Brazil, is the best sums up what the Assembly was the sinter-SC. In the words of Dr. Sydney:
"[...] Sure there were citizens of teachers from more distant places of our state. In search of a right, not a favor, but it took away the courage not to scream from the rooftops: GOVERNOR COLOMBO FOLLOW THE LAW THE LAW AND DO NOT CONFUSE WITH ROOF. If I had such arms, hug one by one to tell them of my admiration and solidarity, asking them not to give up, because they ask for is the RIGHT TO DIGNITY THAT THEY WORK WITH PEACE OF MIND IN A JOB THAT PAID WITH JUSTICE AND RECOGNITION [...]"
Here are our thanks on behalf of the entire teaching of Santa Catarina, which shows that our struggle is not in vain, because the teacher has the responsibility to also show and teach their students to fight for CITIZENSHIP, by Justice, by the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS which must be respected not only by the people, but particularly by the STATE, which is responsible for social order and promoting SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL EDUCATION and this goes through.
The following e-mail in full and flagrant Dr. Sydney Florianópolis-SC/Brazil assembly in the day 09/06/2011:
"[...] Sure there were citizens of teachers from more distant places of our state. In search of a right, not a favor, but it took away the courage not to scream from the rooftops: GOVERNOR COLOMBO FOLLOW THE LAW THE LAW AND DO NOT CONFUSE WITH ROOF. If I had such arms, hug one by one to tell them of my admiration and solidarity, asking them not to give up, because they ask for is the RIGHT TO DIGNITY THAT THEY WORK WITH PEACE OF MIND IN A JOB THAT PAID WITH JUSTICE AND RECOGNITION [...]"
Here are our thanks on behalf of the entire teaching of Santa Catarina, which shows that our struggle is not in vain, because the teacher has the responsibility to also show and teach their students to fight for CITIZENSHIP, by Justice, by the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS which must be respected not only by the people, but particularly by the STATE, which is responsible for social order and promoting SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT, ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL EDUCATION and this goes through.
The following e-mail in full and flagrant Dr. Sydney Florianópolis-SC/Brazil assembly in the day 09/06/2011:
O e-mail do Dr. Sidnei José Garcia, cirurgião dentista de Florianópolis, é o que melhor resume o que foi a Assembléia do SINTE-SC. Nas palavras do Dr. Sidnei:
"[...] com certeza ali estavam cidadãos professores vindos dos mais distantes lugares de nosso ESTADO. Em busca de um direito e não de um favor, isto porém não lhes tirava o ânimo de gritarem aos quatro ventos: GOVERNADOR COLOMBO CUMPRA A LEI E NÃO CONFUNDA A LEI COM TETO. Se tivesse braços para tal, abraçaria um por um para dizer-lhes da minha admiração e solidariedade, pedindo a eles que não desistam, pois o que eles pedem é o DIREITO A DIGNIDADE DE PODEREM TRABALHAR COM TRANQUILIDADE EM UM EMPREGO QUE OS REMUNERE COM JUSTIÇA E RECONHECIMENTO [...]"
Ficam aqui nossos agradecimentos, em nome de todo o magistério catarinense, o que mostra que nossa luta não em vão, pois o professor tem a responsabilidade de também mostrar e ensinar aos seus alunos a luta pela CIDADANIA, pela JUSTIÇA, pelos DIREITOS CONSTITUCIONAIS os quais devem ser respeitados não só pelo povo, mas em particular pelo ESTADO, o qual compete a ORDEM SOCIAL e a promoção do DESENVOLVIMENTO SOCIAL, ECONÔMICO E POLÍTICO e isto passa pela EDUCAÇÃO.
A seguir o e-mail, na íntegra do Dr. Sidnei e flagrantes da Assembléia em Florianópolis no dia 09-06-2011:
Obrigada Dr. Sidnei pelo seu apoio ao nosso movimento, pessoas como o senhor nos dão mais forças para continuarmos nesta luta. Valeu!